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How Barre Class Changed My Life

Last winter, I was in a lot of pain. I mean A LOT. I'd been diagnosed with degenerative disc disease, and the two herniated discs I'd suffered led to a lot of daily problems. I couldn't feel my arm. I couldn't feel my leg. My head hurt constantly, and I could barely turn my neck. I tried not to talk about it too much, but my daily life was becoming severely limited. I couldn't sit through meetings, I could barely sit at the computer long enough to answer an email, and I didn't know whether the pain would ever go away. I was terrified that this pain was irreversible; words can't appropriately convey what it's like to face these fears around your 39th birthday. Let's just say that I hope none of y'all ever have to go through it.

I knew that an intensive exercise program was the key to improving my health. When my doctor suggested core strengthening through physical therapy, I decided to try barre exercise classes. On a whim, I contacted B.You Fitness owners Stephanie Bristow and Rashna Carmicle about trying their studio. I had no idea that I was changing my entire life with a simple email. 

Now, I'm not going to lie, the first class was one of the biggest challenges I've undertaken in a long, long time. I immediately texted my fiance "I didn't die!" after the first class, and I felt like that was a huge success. Barre class is a well-choreographed sequence of stretches, lifts, and steps; it took me a little while to get the hang of it. But I saw the results quickly. I was soon able to move with less pain. The numbness in my arm went away, and the numbness in my leg subsided a great deal. I was encouraged by both the amazing fitness program at B.You and the wonderful attitude of the instructors and my classmates.

I just have to share some exciting news with y'all. At my last visit to my neurosurgeon, he released me from “every 6 weeks” follow up visits and said that I have absolutely no need for additional spinal surgery. He said he’d never heard of barre classes being used for rehab, but I walked him through the core strengthening process and told him how much the classes had changed my life. He specifically asked about the B.You program, and followed up his questions with a cheerful “Whatever you’re doing, keep on, because it’s clearly working!”

Clearly, this is a lifelong journey to good health. I'm not going to stop attending barre classes just because I'm not writing about them every week. I know that degenerative disc disease brings flare-ups and that I have no guarantees that I won't have further pain, but I fully credit B.You with putting me on the road to recovery!

I hope to see y'all at the Barre soon!

{This post is brought to you by Fitness. Please note that I am speaking only from my personal experience. I am neither a medical professional nor a barre instructor. I was advised by my physician to work on core strengthening to relieve a lumbar spine injury.}