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Be You at B.You!

I like a lot of things about B.Barre Fitness at B.You. I love the workout. I love that the studio is close to my house, so I don't waste all day driving to and from the gym. I love the fabulous turquoise and chartreuse decor of the studio. But, most of all, I love that B.You encourages me to take the workout at my own pace.

I'm a really competitive person by nature; I tend to benchmark my own performance against others'. For years, I'd push my yoga poses or bootcamp moves farther to mimic or surpass my classmates'. A little push is good, you know. It encourages you to push your muscles a little harder and to get a little more out of the workout. I'm not exactly in a place to push myself too hard these days, though. Part of it is the diagnosis of degenerative disc disease that I received last year, with the accompanying surgeries and treatments. Part of it is the somewhat painful fact that the birthday I celebrated earlier this year is the last one that will begin with a 3. And, a not insignificant part of it is the fact that I've spent a lot of time over the past year "medicating" my back injury with red velvet cake and Netflix binges. (It made sense at the time that Scandal was more therapeutic than Lortab...) Needless to say, I don't have a lot of "personal bests" in me right now. 

The great thing about classes at B.You is that, well, they actually encourage you to be you. You'll often hear "Focus on doing your best, not your neighbor's best!" or "Think about your reason for being here today!" as you hold a difficult pose. You'll hear a lot of suggestions for modifications,with the assurance that even with modifications you can attain the muscle shake that comes along with strengthening and sculpting.  You'll often feel the instructor's gentle nudge to correct your form, but it's always discreet and encouraging. (Once, in a big-box-gym yoga class, an instructor told me, "Oh, don't even bother. Let me tell you, it was the Least. Namaste. Moment. Ever.) 

I love a lot of things about B. You, but what I love most of all is that it's a friendly, inclusive studio that focuses on each participant setting and achieving her personal goals. In just a few short weeks, I've felt myself become so much stronger and I've lessened the pain and numbness that resulted from my two herniated discs. I've had to go at my own pace, and make a lot of modifications, and that was just fine. 

{This post was brought to you by B.You. All opinions are my own. I am neither a medical professional nor a fitness instructor; please consult professionals before attempting to rehab an injury.}