National Ice Cream Month Trivia


Hey y’all!

I’ll be on WAVE-3 News today during the 2 pm hour to talk about National Ice Cream Day! I’ll be sharing my favorite summer ice cream flavors from Graeter’s — peach, black raspberry chocolatechip, and strawberry sorbet.

Here are a few fun facts I’ll drop during the segment:

  • National Ice Cream Month is celebrated every July, and National Ice Cream Day is celebrated every year on the third Sunday of July. In 1984, President Ronald Reagan designated this delicious holiday. This year, National Ice Cream Day falls on July 18th.

  • On average, the U.S consumes 5.5 gallons of ice cream per person, per year. That’s about 44 pints.

  • Vanilla is the most popular ice cream flavor among Americans. In fact, the first written ice cream recipe that we know of in America was for vanilla — and it was written by Thomas Jefferson!

  • 87 percent of American homes typically have a pint of ice cream in their freezer.

  • Ice cream cones were invented at the 1904 World’s Fair in St. Louis, MO, by concession vendors as a way for people to eat ice cream easily while enjoying the fair.

  • The world record for the largest ice cream cone ever made was achieved in 2015 in Norway. The cone was over 10 feet tall!

  • The top five ice cream-consuming countries in the world (per capita, gallons per year) are New Zealand, United States, Australia, Finland and Sweden.
