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Kentucky Election Day Trivia

I hope everyone has the chance to get to the polls today to ensure that their voices are heard! In honor of today's Primary Elections, I thought we'd take a look at some Bluegrass State election trivia.

1. Under 1824, any Kentuckian who was found to have voted twice was assessed a $10 fine. 

Hatfield-McCoy Election Fight sign, Pike County.

2. In 1838, Kentucky became the first state to give women the right to vote in School Board elections. 

Josephine Henry, the first woman to campaign for a statewide office in Kentucky

3. After a highly contested election, Kentucky's governor, William Goebel, was fatally shot as he was taking the Oath of Office on January 30, 1900.

Governor William Goebel served a tragically brief term of office.

4. Kentucky lowered its voting age requirement from 20 to 18 in 1955, nearly twenty years before the right was afforded by the Twenty-Sixth Amendment.

Campaign poster for Kentucky's most famous candidate.

5. In 1983, Kentuckians elected Martha Layne Collins, the seventh woman to be governor of a U.S. State. 
Kentucky's fifty-sixth Governor, Martha Layne Collins
Now get out and vote, y'all!